Trial date set for Iraqi who threw shoes at Bush Trial date set for Iraqi who threw shoes at BushAs of 8:27 a.m. CST Then, 賣房子 you need to try every man who throw dish to her like Jung Shiau Lin d 情趣用品id at my Honduras House, Hello! I was staying at my own house silently doing my own job 澎湖民宿, Bush was stupid bad ugly evil running to battle ground, how dare your Court give Bush more face value simply beca 永慶房屋use he could have the shameless to abused his public power to bother Iraqi eyes and ears? How dare you see helpless powerless woma 酒店工作n who doing nothing in public place face value like nothing? If Iraqi who threw shoes at Bush has to stand to be tried, then you need to demand US Mi 代償litary to try Bush First(What crime Bush committed to force that Iraqi must have to give him his shoes. How many gifts Bush and all USA evil politicians had got fro 土地買賣m their evil minded foreign ass kissers, don't Bush and all USA evil politicians and those evil minded foreign ass kissers committed evil crimes more deserve to have a trial than that Ira 室內裝潢qi dare show his true color to given Bush his second handed shoes to demand Bush to try his shoes to show he really for Iraqi free speech right), and you need to try every woman who ever throwing anything to 信用卡代償 her husband like the film "God Father" showed that God Father's daughter did to her husband also.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 買屋網  .

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